
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Root of "Activist" is Active!

This is definitely not a judgement on your involvement in your quality of life, merely in the words of the immortal (maybe immoral? definitely irreverent) Monty Python, "wink,wink, a wink is as good as a nudge". Every human on this great planet has in some way been and is being encroached on our freedom by greed and  ignorance. I am committing to you that I will start taking small but consistent actions to improve my life and my children s life every day. Cheers

Monday, June 10, 2013


I am the founder and prime perpetrator of a philosophy I have coined Eco-Hedonics. AS founder of the Church of Eco-Hedonism, I believe and uphold the basic tenants of human rights and life source protection. The Church of Eco-hedonism has and supports Organic heritage seed farming, alternative energy;both esoteric and electro-magnetic, spiritual understanding through prolonged ecstatic states, and Freedom at all costs. I believe in freedom of information in order for us to be able to make informed decisions in these pursuits. Cheers!